Hi, I'm Rachel Fawkes. My friends call me Foxy.

I started the The Catalyst to share the lessons I learned reclaiming my spark after a major life transition rocked my world and left me feeling lost and without confidence.

By leaning into my personal style, I gained the confidence to live and express myself more authentically. This hands-on, 8-week course empowers you to do the same with lessons teaching you to:

✨Cultivate a signature style that supports your personal and professional goals.

✨Understand the rules of dressing for your body type, and, even more fun, how to break them!

✨Clear your closet of clothing that no longer serves you.

✨Stop wasting money buying things don’t need and learn to shop strategically.

✨Create dozens of new outfits with the clothes in your closet.

✨Take actionable steps toward your biggest dreams.

✨Dress for the life you want.

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